About Us

Referral Realty-Rogers & Rogers Realtors is a top-notch company serving the entire Silicon Valley, Bay Area, and surrounding comunities.

As a family owned and operated property management and sales brokerage consulting firm, since 1975, our network of real estate property management professionals and our commitment to excellence will assure you the very best care of your interests, as well as local and national marketing of your property.

We provide decades of experience as residential specialists, in leasing management and sales. We explain every aspect of our services along the way, determine a fair market value or rent for your property and offer a survey detailing what needs to be done to put your property in selling or rent ready condition.

We keep ourselves abreast of all properties for sale or lease as well as compiling the most current demographics and trends. Our strategy allows us to be well prepared to correctly service you.

We maintain active memberships in the following organizations, which help us to consistantly increase our abilities and professionalism:

  • Members of NARPM
  • National Association of REALTORS
  • Santa Clara County Association of REALTORS
  • California Association of Realtors

Whether you simply need property management, sell an existing improved property or desire to be involved in the development and final build out of a parcel of land, we will meet your needs.

Welcome to "Personal Service - Professional Results"


~a family company